Bâtiment Pluriel
701 rue de la Piscine
Domaine Universitaire - BP 81
Saint Martin d'Hères cedex
Téléphone: +33 (0)4 76 57 47 62
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Cycle Préparatoire polytechnique, CPP : La Prépa des INP



Grenoble INP's integrated preparatory course for the engineers of tomorrow

The CPP Preparatory Course was set up in 1993 by the Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble (Grenoble Institute of Technology), with Nancy and Toulouse, to offer French high school-leavers an access course for entry into one of the 20 engineering "Grandes écoles" in the three Instituts Nationaux Polytechniques, without needing to take an entrance exam.

In 2010, Bordeaux INP Aquitaine joined the Groupe INP, which now includes more than 30 engineering public schools.

Academic Programs

High flyers
Applicants for the preparatory course are selected on the basis of their reports over the last two years of high school, a personal interview and their Baccalauréat mark.

Unique program

The preparatory course has been designed to give students a general scientific and technical culture, the basics required for a future engineering career.

Teaching focus  
Mathematics, chemistry, biology, geosciences, physics and mechanics.
The humanities and social sciences are also taught, to prepare students for their future responsibilities, and sport is also on the curriculum.

Student status
Preparatory course students are part of the university and can use all its services. They pay the same fees as other university students.

Informed future choices
Students are provided with plenty of information on the various engineering schools in the 4 INPs, to help them make an informed choice when applying to one of these schools.

Additional information

Quality sports and music facilities
Students with particular sporting or musical talents can extend their studies for a further year (2-year program covered in three years), to give them time to practice their sport or art.

To apply for the preparatory course :


Contact details

Admissions: Emmanuelle Julo
Office of the Registrar: Carina Cataldi, Patricia Brunet
Address : Institut polytechnique de Grenoble/Grenoble Institute of Technology
La Prépa des INP
Bâtiment PLURIEL
701 rue de la Piscine
Domaine universitaire BP 81
38402 Saint Martin d'Hères Cedex
Email: prepa@grenoble-inp.fr