As an academic division of UGA, a recognized research hub and a founding member of the Grenoble ecosystem, Grenoble INP Graduate schools of Engineering and Management, Université Grenoble Alpes plays a major role in the scientific and industrial community.
A major public institution for higher education
Our 8 engineering and management schools are both closely tied to the industrial world and open to the international scene. Grenoble INP - UGA delivers 1,500 engineering degrees and 230 doctoral degrees per year. As a result, our schools contribute greatly to the Groupe INP network, making it the leading public engineering school network in France.
A recognized hub for research
By creating the technology of the future, our 38 laboratories are working to solve the major challenges of the 21st century in four key fields: digital, industrial, energy and environment. As the national leader in terms of scientific publications (7,260 between 2020 and 2022 in internationally recognized journals), Grenoble INP - UGA is one of the Top 5 institutions for researchers and patents (Industrie & Technologies, 2018) and first in France on the list of Reuters 100 most innovative universities in Europe (2018).
A major player in the innovation network
Located in the capital of the Alps for more than 100 years, Grenoble INP - UGA is a founding member of the Grenoble Ecosystem, which has developed around three core pillars: education, research and industry. The ecosystem includes internationally recognized platforms and centers such as Minatec (leading European center for innovation in micro and nanotechnology), competitivity clusters like Minalogic and Tenerrdis, as well as Carnot institutions (“Energies du futur”, “Logiciels et systèmes intelligents”, “PolyNat”, "Innovation Chimie" (I2C) and "Cognition").
A relevant offer for continuing education
Grenoble INP’s close ties with business and professional sectors enables us to anticipate new needs in terms of skills and continuously adapt our offer for continuing education.
A network of 73,000 alumni
Right off the bat, Grenoble INP students join our alumni association for engineers, managers and doctoral graduates. As a result, they start building a network early on and these ties support them throughout their studies, job search and career, whether in France or abroad.
Ambitious projects
To grow and reaffirm its longstanding position in the international field of higher education and research, Grenoble INP relies on the dynamic alliances and community created by the Grenoble Alpes Université site. The institution has grown its involvement in ambitious European projects.