International Partnerships
Grenoble INP - UGA has signed partnership agreements with 350 international institutions in more than 70 countries. Discover them by clicking on the linkd below :
International Networks
Our institution is a member of several international networks. These networks promote Grenoble INP - UGA's international cooperation with institutions of excellence around the world.
CLUSTER (Consortium Linking Universities of Science and Technology for Education and Research),is a consortium of 12 elite European Universities in Science and Engineering with associate members from around the world. Created in 1990, this network is a privileged partner for the internationalization of our programs, the mobility of students and staff and research activities through the Erasmus+ and H2020 programs.
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Since 2010, RESCIF has been developing an innovative, targeted and sustainable cooperation between 17 French-speaking technological universities around the world. The network aims to train young engineers in the most advanced technologies and to develop research focused on the specific needs of emerging countries. The major challenges identified are: water, energy, health, nutrition, urban development, entrepreneurship and big data. MOOCs are being developed on these subjects, based on real problems in the field in these countries. Grenoble INP - UGA is particularly involved in the Asian Water Research Center (CARE) in Ho Chi Minh City and in the MOOC "Des rivières et des hommes".
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EtuRESCIF is the student association that supports and develops the actions of the RESCIF network for and with students. It aims to accelerate sustainable development through technology, innovation and entrepreneurship. Thus, the association has two main activities: financial support for students who go on high-level internships, and the organization of an international competition on sustainable development.
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The PFIEV - Programme de Formation d'Ingénieurs d'Excellence au Vietnam (The Excellence in Engineering Training Program in Vietnam) is a consortium of major French institutions of which Grenoble INP - UGA is a member. The duration of studies is 5 years, based on the model of French engineering schools. Since its creation, the PFIEV has graduated over 1,500 Vietnamese engineers.
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Magalhães is a consortium of Universities from Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean in the fields of engineering and architecture. This program allows bilateral exchanges of students at master level, but also to share projects of common interest with MENTE (Magalhães Enhancing New Topics in Engineering).
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SEEEP aims to promote close collaboration between higher engineering education institutions in China and Europe in the areas of talent development, exchanges, doctoral student training, development of teaching materials, and collaboration in scientific research programs.
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Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie
The Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) brings together more than 1,000 universities, grandes écoles, university networks and scientific research centers using the French language in 115 countries. Founded 60 years ago, it is one of the world's largest associations of higher education and research institutions.
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Mobility Consortium
Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire
The Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (formerly CREPUQ) is a voluntary group of Quebec universities.
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The Ontario-Rhône-Alpes Network offers students from Rhône-Alpes and Ontario the opportunity to study at one of the program's partner universities.
International Laboratories
Active on five continents, our international research laboratories support top-level research in collaboration with local partners.Contact
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