This Roadmap includes many US, Asian and European experts, and covers the following areas: Application Benchmarking, System and Architecture, More Moore, Beyond CMOS and Emerging Research Materials, Cryogenic Electronics & Quantum Information Processing, Outside System
Connectivity, Yield Enhancement, Factory Integration, Lithography, Metrology, Packaging Integration, Environment, Health, Safety and Sustainability.
It covers the next 15 years, including the main challenges and potential solutions, and helps to focus
international efforts on the research needed at academic and industrial levels to accelerate technological development for many applications, in the fields of semiconductors, computer systems, connected objects, transport, health, safety, energy and manufacturing.
The International Roadmap for Devices and Systems, created in March 2016, gathers many documents written by groups of experts in the field of electronic systems, coming from Academia, RTO and Industry. It has been launched under the umbrella of the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
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