Unite! gathers its partners in Barcelona for its 11th Dialogue

Under the motto “Unite! students: “our soul, our core”, the UPC welcomed over 500 participants from the nine Unite! universities from February 25 to 28, to advance a more connected and innovative European higher education.
From February 25 to 28, 2025, the North Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona became a veritable center of exchange, hosting the Unite! Barcelona Dialogue. This event brought together various Unite! communities through working sessions, meetings of the alliance's governing bodies and vice-rectors of member universities. At the same time, a multitude of activities, interactive workshops and debates highlighted the essential role of students in shaping the future of the alliance.

Highlights of the XI Dialogue in Barcelona included the PhD competition, where researchers presented their work in three minutes, and the U!Talks, where students from the nine Unite! universities took the floor. The event also marked the launch of the new Unite! website, featuring optimized navigation, a structure adapted to different audiences, and tracking of ongoing projects, training and research.

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona is now handing over the baton to Aalto University, located in Espoo, Finland, in the Greater Helsinki region, which will host the 12ᵉ Dialogue Unite! from October 6 to 9, 2025. Discover the preliminary program: http://aalto.fi/unitedialogue

[Dialogue moments by Oriol Miralles, photographer]