Grenoble INP Rubrique Formation 2022

Academic information

Grenoble INP Graduate Schools of Engineering and Management, Université Grenoble Alpes is a French "Grande école" made up of 8 engineering and management schools and 40 laboratories. The Institute issues national degrees accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education, valid and renowned worldwide. All programmes are open to foreign students fulfilling the general application requirements. In addition, specific programmes have been developed for international students.

French engineering curriculum

French title of engineer is equivalent to a master's level degree. The training is focused on top technical skills and management expertise. The typical curriculum in an engineer school takes 3 years, after 2 years of preparatory course.

Year 1
Years 2 and 3
Engineering degree
Semester 5 Semester 6 Semester 7 Semester 8 Semester 9 Semester 10
Core curriculum  Specialization  Final study project
Apprenticeship programme

Academic calendar

The academic year is divided into two semesters. The first one starts at the beginning of September until the end of January (fall semester) and the second one stretches from January till the end of June (spring semester). 

The start and end dates of classes are different from one school to another and depend on the level at which student enter the school. Please refer to the host school to know exactly when the semester is beginning and ending.

Please pay attention to the numbering of the semesters in the diagram above:

  • the first year of studies (i.e. last year of undergraduate studies) is composed by semesters 5 and 6
  • the second year of studies (i.e. first year of graduate studies) is composed by semesters 7 and 8
  • semester 9 is the last period of courses, the semester 10 being dedicated to an internship and the final study project (Projet de Fin d'Etudes - PFE), which lasts 5 or 6 months.

University holidays

Fall break (1 week), Christmas (2 weeks), February (1 week), Easter break (1 week).

Language proficiency

Although the official language of instruction is French, many comprehensive programmes are offered in English. In addition, specific fees international programmes are fully taught in English and specifically tailored for foreign students, with services such as French classes and administrative support. Please refer to our detailed programs.

Requirements for exchange programs

The exchange program guidelines establish that student must have sufficient knowledge of the French language. To attest the level in French and/or English, student must provide either an official test, or a certificate from a language instructor stating the CECR level equivalence.

For basic exchange students

  • Classes taught in French: B1 level is recommended, according to the CECR.
  • Classes taught in English: B1 level is recommended.
  • Grenoble INP - Phelma, UGA school recommends a B1 level at least in the language of instruction of the specialization or the master.
  • Grenoble INP - Ensimag, UGA school requires a B1 level of English for its master of science programs (MoSIG, MSIAM, CySec, ORCO).

Double-degrees or regular master students

Students who receive a degree from Grenoble INP - UGA will have to demonstrate a B2 level in English language in order to be awarded their degree. 

Course selection

Grenoble INP - UGA uses the European Credit Transfer System ECTS.

Each course is related to a given coefficient (number of credits):

  • 1 full academic year = 60 credits
  • 1 semester = 30 credits

The yearly workload for regular students and double-degree students is composed of 60 ECTS.

To select courses, exchange students need to fill in a learning agreement with help from their home university. 

The registration to courses is done at the beginning of each semester.


Students are expected to complete 3 industrial internships during their engineering studies:

  • a four-week work placement at the end of the first year
  • a ten-week work experience period as an assistant engineer at the end of the second year
  • a five-month internship (final study project) during the whole last semester of the third year.

Students seeking an internship benefit from our large network of Alumni, our graduates occupying high-level positions in companies in France and around the world.

Practical information

What is a Grande école exactly ?