Grenoble INP rubrique Ginsen

Application & registration

Applications for the 2025 session will be open from
November 1st, 2024 to March 31st, 2025.


Ginsen Summer School is tailored for students at bachelor-level.
To enroll in Ginsen Summer School, you must : 
  • Be at least 18
  • Live in a country that allows you to come study in France
  • Have an “Independent speaker - upper intermediate" level in English, or the equivalent of a B2 level according to the CEFR standard (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)

As this is a program for bachelor level, this is not mandatory but you should preferably have completed at least 2 years of Bachelor degree (post high-school graduation) in science or engineering, meaning you can be in your third or final year of Bachelor, or your first year of masters degree.

Application process

Step 1 : Submit your application through our online platform

Click here to access the platform and submit your application.
Complete all required fields and click on the "submit" button at the end.
Be sure to submit your application before March 31st, 2025. After this time the online platform will no longer be available so do not miss it!

Step 2 : Admission jury (End of March)

The scientific committee meets right after the end of the application period, to determine which candidates can enrol in the summer school.
The decision is based on students' profile and academic resume.
The scientific committee will also establish a waiting list in case some accepted students decline their offer.

Step 3 : Acceptance letter (Beginning of April)

If accepted to the summer school, you will be informed either directly by the Ginsen administration, or by your home school's international relations department, and you will receive an official acceptance letter. It will be published on your application form, so don't forget to check it!
If, unfortunately, you don't make it to this session, you will still be notified by the same people.

Step 4 : Payment (April)

Once you get in, you will have 3 weeks maximum to make your payment, through a dedicated and secure online platform. Before that, make sure you can (or not) benefit from a grant from your home university.

You will receive the link to login via email. Payment can be done by credit card or bank transfer. You will have all the information on the platform. Your admission will only be definitive once the amount due is received by Grenoble INP - UGA.

We will be there at all times to assist you in case you face difficulties when making your payment.

Step 5 : Get ready to attend the Ginsen Summer School

Depending on your home country and nationality, you’ll need to ask for a visa to be able to travel to France. We invite you to contact you’re the French embassy of your country to ask them more information.

Then, you will receive all the necessary information about the programme, the platform and virtual activities planned. You just have to tag along and enjoy, we've got you covered!

Do not hesitate to contact us during any of the steps if you face issues, for example regarding the use of the online platform. You can reach us via email at any time and we will do our best to assist you and solve the problem.

It’s now time to travel, and enjoy the intensive programme we designed for you with so much passion !


Do you have more questions ? 
Check our Ginsen Summer School's FAQ to find answers !

Contact Ginsen