Grenoble INP Rubrique Formation 2022

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions concerning application form :

1. Information

What are the conditions for applying to Grenoble INP - UGA?

You have to check in first with the International Relations Department from your Home University if an inter-institutionnal agreement (exchange or double-degree) has been signed with Grenoble INP - UGA.
You have to be nominated by your Home University.

What is the deadline for applying?

For a full academic year and the fall semester : Beginning of March – End of April
For the spring semester : Mid-September – Mid-November
Beware : Our School Grenoble INP - Esisar does not accept students in Spring semester.

How to apply?

You have to apply with the dedicated application form. We do not accept applications by e-mail.
Beware : if you are a prospective student for an internship in one of our research laboratories, you do not need to complete our application form as another procedure is required here.

2. Educational background / Requested stay

What does Framework mean in the form?

This is the exchange framework defined by the signature of an inter-institutional agreement between Grenoble INP - UGA and your home university. This can be an ERASMUS, Double-Degree, ORA (Ontario-Rhône-Alpes Program), BCI (Bureau de Coopération Inter-universitaire with Québec) agreement, etc...

What should I do if my country and/or my home university do not appear in the form while I’m choosing the School of Grenoble INP - UGA and the Framework?

Check in first with your home university to make sure that an agreement has been signed with Grenoble INP - UGA and the School in which you want to apply. If there is a mistake, you can report it to the International Relations department via the following e-mail address.

How to find my Field of study?

All you need to do is to go to the website of the Grenoble INP - UGA’s School for which you have been nominated and to click on the "Studies" and "Engineering degree" or "Master" sections to discover the different programmes offered.

What are « semesters »?

An academic year is divided into two semesters, the first one starts at the end of August or at the beginning of September until the end of January and the second one stretches from January till the end of June. The start and end dates of classes are different from one school to another and depend on the level for which you enter the Grenoble Institute of Engineering and Management schools. Please refer to your host school to know exactly when you begin

  • Semester 5 (Fall semester) and 6 (Spring semester) correspond to the 1st year of studies (last year of undergraduate level).
  • Semester 7 (Fall semester) and 8 (Spring semester) correspond to the 2nd year of studies (equivalent to graduate level).
  • Semester 9 (Fall semester) and Semester 10 (Spring semester) correspond to the 3rd year of studies (equivalent to graduate level). Semester 10 is devoted to the Master Thesis that lasts a minimum of 5 months.

3. Language skills

What are the language requirements?

We use CECR (Cadre Européen Commun de Référence) to determine language level.

For basic exchange students:

Classes taught in French: B1 level is recommended.
Classes taught in English, B1 level is recommended.
Grenoble INP - Phelma requires at least B1 level in the language of instruction of the specialization or the Master.
Grenoble INP - Ensimag requires a B1 level of English for its master of science programs (MoSIG, MSIAM, CySec, ORCO).

For Double-Degree students:

Classes taught in french: B1 level is recommended. You must validate B2 level in french at the end of your program.
Classes taught in english: B1 level in English is recommended. You must validate B2 level in English at the end of your program.

Double-Degree students have to provide additional documents:

A Language certificate in English AND in French : If you cannot provide an official test of language (IELTS, TOEIC, etc…), you can download our certificate and have it be filled in by one of the language professors from your home university.
An official class ranking certificate : It is an official document from your home university describing your ranking compared with your class.

4. Further information

Where are the Grenoble INP - UGA Schools located?

Access maps to the different geographical sites

What are the integration weeks?

You will find more information on the dedicated page on our website.

Could I be picked up at the bus or train station, the day of my arrival?

BIE (International Student Board) can support you during your stay. If you wish to be picked up by one of them at the bus or train station, you have to fill in the "Pick up request" and send it directly to their e-mail address. They will take you to your student residence.

Will I be offered french courses?

French courses (FLE) are provided for foreign students enrolled at Grenoble INP - UGA by CUEF (Centre Universitaire d’Etudes Françaises): exchange students, double degrees, International programs, or any student for whom French courses are mandatory, in accordance to the schedule offered by your Grenoble INP - UGA School. More information on our website.

Attendance to all courses is MANDATORY.

Two kinds of courses are proposed to you :

  • Intensive French courses at the beginning of the academic year or Fall semester. Classes are given during the integration weeks : four hours a day for five days (from 8 :30 AM to 12:30 AM).
  • Extensive French courses. classes are given during one semester (Fall semester and/or Spring semester) by two hours sessions(from 6 :30 PM to 8 :30 PM), once by week.
How to register for French courses?

After receiving your admission, your School will send to you directly all the information you will need on french courses (dates, sessions, etc…) and a link to a language test. This will determine your level and allow you to be placed in a class adapted to your language level.

How does the housing application process work?

When you submit your application, you will receive an e-mail with a login, a password and a link to a new form to request your housing.

I did not receive my e-mail with my login and my password for housing application, what can I do?

Check in your spams folders first. And if you have not received it yet (please, wait a couple days after submitting your application), you can contact the International Relations Department by e-mail who will ask  ISSO’s service to send it to you again.

What is the deadline for my housing application?

For Full academic year and Fall semester : from May 15th to June 20th.
For Spring semester : from October 15th to November 15th.
Beware : it is recommended to fill in the application form for housing as soon as possible as soon as you receive your e-mail with your login and password (at the beginning of June for Full academic and Fall semester and at the beginning of October for Spring semester) and not wait until the last days just before the deadline.
After submitting your application, you will receive a housing request certificate. This document will be useful to ask for a visa, for example.

How can I choose my student residence?

ISSO can propose to you two kinds of student residences :

CROUS and Private residences : you consult each on a map here.

5. Relevant documents to be uploaded

Documents must be written in French or in English.

What is a Curriculum vitae?

It is a one-page document briefly introducing you and detailing your career path. It has to specify your training (obtained diploma, etc…), your skills (field of study, language level, etc…), possibly your professional experiences (internship, voluntary work, summer work, etc…) and your interests.

What is a cover letter?

It is a one or two-pages document introducing reasons why you want apply for to Grenoble INP - UGA and highlighting your experience, skills and qualities.

What is the copy of last degree obtained?

If the last degree you obtained is the High school diploma, please send a certificate mentioning the degree you are currently working on (dates, major, award date).

About the lists of past courses taken in your home university and courses you are currently taking in your home university:

You must specify the name, a short description of the course and the number of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits acquired.

About transcripts of records:

You have to submit an official document from your home university.

About language level:

If you cannot provide a language test (TOEC, IELTS, etc…), you can download our Language certificate and make it to fill in by one of the professors from your Home University.

If you are an exchange student, you have to justify your language level in English OR in French. If English or French is your mother tongue, you do not need to provide one.
If you are in Double-degree, you have to provide a language certificate in English AND in French.

What is a recommendation letter?

It is a letter written by one of your professors from your home university.

What is the Learning Agreement?

Learning Agreement
This document lists all the courses you would like to attend in the School of Grenoble INP - UGA during your mobility. You can download it here. It must be signed by you, your home university and the School. If you are an ERASMUS student, you can keep your own Learning agreement, you don’t need to fill out our document.
Concerning your course selection, you can consult the website of the School in which you have applied. You can click on « Studies », « Engineering degrees » or « Masters degrees », your « Field of study », « Program » and « Semester ». Each course gives you ECTS credits : you have to cumulate 30 ECTS credits for one semester, 60 ECTS credits for an academic year.
It is not recommended to choose courses from different schools because of their geographical distance (Esisar School is located in Valence, 100 km from Grenoble and other schools are spread over different campuses) and conflicting timetables.
Beware : some Masters are not opened to exchange students, you must inquire at the international Relations Department of the School in which you have applied.

What is the nomination letter?

It is a letter (or an e-mail) sent by the International Relations Department from your home university or Erasmus coordinator certifying that you are allowed to study abroad through a mobility program.

About your photograph:

You have to submit a picture of you used for official documents like passport or ID card.

6. Submit application

When will I receive my admission letter?

If you are accepted to study abroad in Grenoble INP - UGA, the International Relations Department from the School will send your admission letter by e-mail directly.

  • For the full academic year and fall semester, you will receive it in June.
  • For the spring semester, you will receive it in December.
When will I receive my housing confirmation?

It will be sent directly by ISSO’s service by e-mail.

  • For the full academic year or the fall semester, you will receive it at the end of July.
  • For the spring semester, you will receive it at the end of December or at the beginning of January.
My arrival date has changed for different reasons (visa problem, etc…) or I withdrew my mobility:

You have to inform both the international Relations Department from Grenoble INP - UGA and the one from your School. If this cancellation has consequences on housing too, you have to inform ISSO’s service by sending them an e-mail.

7. Contacts

For administrative issues or if you have difficulties for filling out our application form, you can contact the International Relations Department of Grenoble INP - UGA directly by email.

For academic issues (courses, timetables, French classes, etc…), you can contact the local International Relations Department from the School in which you have applied :

For housing issues, you can contact ISSO’s service.

About pick ups at the bus or train station at your arrival or about integration week, you can contact BIE.