Grenoble INP rubrique Ginsen

Ginsen Summer School webinar satisfaction survey

Thank you for having participated in our Ginsen Summer Schools Online Live Webinar.

Please take a moment to complete this brief, anonymous feedback survey. Your comments are very important to us.

How helpful was the webinar for you?

The duration of the webinar was sufficient for the content covered

The trainer(s) were knowledgeable

As a result of this webinar, I plan to apply for one of the academic programme

Overall, how would you rate the webinar?

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Les informations collectées via ce formulaire seront exploitées exclusivement par les services habilités de Grenoble INP - UGA et conservées le temps nécessaire au traitement de votre demande. En savoir plus sur la protection des données et vos droits.

Thank you for your collaboration!

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email: