The application procedure may change from one scholarship to another and are as follows :
- The Excellence scholarships for which candidates are preselected by Grenoble INP - UGA when they apply for.
- The scholarships for which candidates submit their own application.
Excellence Scholarships with pre-selection from Grenoble INP - UGA
- International scholarship of Excellence from the INP Foundation
Who is this scholarship for ?
The INP Foundation's International Excellence Scholarship is intended for international students who are enrolled for the first time in an engineering programme at Grenoble INP – UGA, who share human values and have strong academic and professional potential.
Amount :
The scholarship’s amount is 5000€ per academic semester (excluding the Final Project).
Conditions :
To be a newcomer international student at Grenoble INP Graduate schools of Engineering and Management, Université Grenoble Alpes under the age of 28. To justify high academic results in his/her home university To be enrolled in an engineering programme in a school of Grenoble INP To have already paid the tuition fees for the current academic year
Opening of the call for applications: Deadline for the reception of applications: Preselection of the Applications: Publication of results:
Campaign timeline :Application process :
The student enrols in an engineering programme in one of Grenoble INP Graduate schools of Engineering and Management, Université Grenoble Alpes. Grenoble INP preselects the best applications and submits a list to the Grenoble INP Foundation for its opinion, then ratifies the final choice in the programme committee. The selected students are informed by email and receive a scholarship certificate. - Eiffel scholarship Programme of Excellence
Who is this scholarship for ?
The Eiffel scholarship - Master’s component is intended for international students who demonstrate academic excellence in their previous academic background and whose profile corresponds to the international policy of Grenoble INP Graduate schools of Engineering and Management, Université Grenoble Alpes.
The Eiffel scholarship – Doctoral component : PhD Students must contact directly the Doctoral College of Grenoble for their applications.
The monthly allowance is €1,181 (€1,031 maintenance allowance and €150 monthly allowance), plus direct payment of several services (international and domestic transport, insurance, accommodation, cultural activities, etc.).
The scholarship is awarded for a period of :- A maximum of 12 months for M2 students
- A maximum of 24 months for M1 students
- A maximum of 36 months for an engineering degree.
Application process:
The Grenoble INP - UGA' Schools identify partner programmes and universities according to the criteria from the Eiffel Scholarship and contact them to get excellent candidates. Interviews with partners and students are organised in order to find out more about the candidates' motivations and discuss about their study and professional projects. Candidates are preselected by the schools. Those selected will have to provide several documents to complete their application (Curriculum vitae, cover letter, letter of recommendation, language certificates, ranking, copy of the identity card or passport, etc.). Their application will be submit directly by Grenoble INP - UGA on the Campus France online platform.
- The Eiffel Program is intended for non French nationals. Candidates with two nationalities of which one is French are not eligible.
- Candidates must be 27 or under at the time of the 2024 / 2025 competition—that is, they must have been born after March, 31st 1997.
- Students cannot apply individually. Only the applications submitted by Grenoble INP - UGA, will be considered. Foreign students already receiving a scholarship from the French government are not eligible, even if the other scholarship covers only health insurance.
- The application of a student whose file wasn’t accepted during a previous selection isn’t receivable, even if this application is submitted by a different institution or in another field of study.
- The application of a student who already received a Eiffel master’s scholarship is not eligible for this same level. Candidates currently studying in France are ineligible. The Eiffel scholarship consists of a monthly allowance of €1,181 (a maintenance allowance of €1,031 plus monthly compensation of €150). In addition, the following benefits are provided : transport fees, health insurance, supplemental health insurance (« Mutuelle ») and cultural activities.
Campaign timeline:
Opening of the call for applications: October 1st, 2024
Preselection of the Applications by Grenoble INP - UGA: November 21st, 2024
Deadline for the reception of applications: January 8th, 2025
Publication of results: April 2025 - The « Initiative d’excellence » (IDEX) scholarship from the Université Grenoble Alpes
The Scholarship IDEX is intended to the international students with a high academic potential who apply to one of the Masters offered by the following higher education and research institutions: ENSAG, School of Architecture, Université Grenoble Alpes ; Grenoble INP, Graduate schools of Engineering and Management, Université Grenoble Alpes ; Sciences Po Grenoble, School of Political Studies, Université Grenoble Alpes ; Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA).
Amount 2025-2026 academic year- 9,000 euro for a M1 or Ingé 2A academic year (i.e. 2 study semesters)
- 5,500 euro for a M2 or Ingé 3A academic year.
Application process
First of all, you need to apply to the master's program(s) of your choice through the online platform (don't forget to check your eligibility beforehand). People in charge of the master(s) you applied for will study your application (they mainly take into account the academic record and the material situation) and position it on corresponding scholarship(s) if you are eligible. You will be notified of the outcome of the grant application.Do not hesitate to contact the person in charge of the Master for more information beforehand (on grants criteria...).
Campaign deadlines
Opening of the call for applications: February, 2025
Application deadlines vary (see degree for more information).
Scholarships with direct application from students
You can consult the CampusBourses website which provides useful information on scholarships.- Graduate School@UGA scholarships
The Graduate School@UGA finances incoming scholarships for foreign students studying at Université Grenoble Alpes in one of its 15 thematic programs. The scholarship is granted for M1 and M2 (no scholarship possible if the student registers only in M2).
Scholarship Amount
Amount of €16,000 over two years. Internship included.
The scholarship is awarded for M1 and M2 (no scholarship possible if the student is only enrolled in M2). In the event of withdrawal or repetition of a course, the scholarship will be suspended.
Selection criteria
Not hold a French baccalaureate. Be admitted in a M1 or 4th year of an engineering cycle participating in GS@UGA. Courses taught at a distance are not eligible (except during lockdown). Be admitted in a GS@UGA thematic program. Not benefit from another scholarship (Crous, French government scholarship, foreign government scholarship, companies, foundation, Erasmus...). Students receiving a scholarship for social security coverage or an exemption from differentiated fees can benefit from a GS@UGA scholarship. The scholarship holder commits to study in M1 and M2 at Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) and to do his internship in a UGA laboratory. In the case of a partnership, an exception to this rule is possible if the request is made by the laboratory. Failure to comply with these commitments may result in the termination of the grant and a request for reimbursement. Engineering students commit to carry out the M2 internship in UGA laboratories. GS@UGA does not impose any age or geographical criteria.
Application procedure
Choose a thematic program from the list at the bottom of the page; Check if your master/engineering course is concerned by the program of your choice. If it is the case, you can register to the thematic program by clicking on the "Apply" button located at the bottom of the page in the program description. Once you have been admitted to the thematic program of your choice, you must express your interest in the scholarship by sending a letter of motivation when you apply to the thematic program. The selection will be made by interview and you will be notified between March and June 2023.
Application deadline
1st of May 2023
Master programs concerned by the GS@UGA at Grenoble INP - UGA
Futur Prod : transition to sustainable industrial production systems Green : Grenoble energy transition academy MSTIC : Mathematics, information and communication sciences Planned Health : Physical and numerical methods in health Quantum : Quantum information, quantum engineering, quantum computing, quantum devices, quantum materials Risk : Technological, natural and financial risks, crisis management, risk prevention SoftNano : Soft matter, interfaces with the living world, nanomaterials and nano-objects Steen : Economic ecological and digital transition, human sciences, interdisciplinary SUMMIT : Sustainable microelectronics and microsystems for advanced integrated technologies TERRA : Energy Transition, Socio-ecological transition, Socio-ecosystems, Global Change TransCoG : Transdisciplinary training in cognition in Grenoble - Persyval-Lab scholarships
This 8,000 euro scholarship is intended to support very good students wishing to enroll in the second year of a Master's program at Université Grenoble Alpes and who express a strong interest in completing a thesis in one of Persyval-lab's laboratories.
- FITEC programs from the CDEFI
Those programmes created by the Conférence des Directeurs des Ecoles Françaises d'Ingénieurs (Conference of Directors of French Engineering Schools) can finance the mobility of students and teachers to and from Brazil (BRAFITEC), Argentina (ARFITEC).
- French government scholarships
French governement offers each year a substancial number of study scholarships. Information is available on French ambassies' and consulates' websites in your home country.
- Foreign Government Scholarships Program
Some governements offer mobility scholarships to students. Check with your home country's Education Ministry.
Campus Bourses