- Grade Master
English language track of the master’s degree in Applied Mathematics and Informatics
joint program between Université Joseph Fourier (UJF)
UFR IM²AG and Grenoble INP Ensimag
Educating experts in security and coding technologies
Cryptology: Mathematical Protocols (RSA, AES, ECC, coding, FHE)
Security: Software/hardware (Network, System, Integration)
Applications: Watermarking, Multimedia, Smartcard…
Formation en collaboration avec
LaboratoiresInstitut Fourier, LJK, LIG, VERIMAG, Gipsa-Lab, TIMA, and also Inria research centre. Those labs federate their research in cryptology and security within the research team-action SCCyPhy (Security and Cryptology for CyberPhysical systems) of the competitive scientific cluster of excellence Labex PERSYVAL.
Conditions d'admission
Students are selected and admitted to the programme based on their academic records, language skills, motivation and a judgement of their ability to successfully complete the program
Selection on:
• the basis of prior academic and/or scientific achievement as documented by academic transcripts,
• completed on-line application form
• a motivational essay
• letters of recommendation
• standardized test scores : students from countries where English language is not the primary language are required to provide TOEFL test scores or equivalent.
For more information :
Application Deadlines
Admissions Information at
Application process :
Academic program
The Master SCCI is a one-year (M2) specialization program with two elective tracks, one directed towards research (track M2R), the other towards industries (track M2P). To enter the program, students are selected after successful completion of: either the MoSIG first year program (M1) that includes en elective module in Introduction to Cryptology and Security or alternatively an equivalent M1 program.
The academic program proposes common core courses in Security and Cryptology and optional courses in the following fields:
- Advanced Engineering in Information Systems
- Cryptology : Advanced Protocols and Attacks
- Embedded Circuit Synthesis and Crypto-processors.

Lectures from September to March
Project from April to September
Common core: Cryptology and Security [15 ECTS]
• Security Models
• Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptology-PKI Infrastructures
• System Administration and Network Security
• English or French
Elective specialization [12 ECTS] : choose one between
• Security of Information Systems [12 ECTS]
- Advanced System and Network Security
- Secure Hardware Architecture
- Distributed Algorithms and Fault-tolerance
- Secure Infrastructure Deployment project
• Cryptology, Coding and Multimedia Applications [12 ECTS]
- Advanced Cryptology
- Multimedia Applications, Watermarking
- Coding and Fault-tolerance
Elective course unit [3 ECTS] : choose one between
Smart Card Security; Audit and Normalization [3 ECTS]
New trends in Cryptology [3 ECTS]
Master thesis [27 ECTS]

Lectures from September to January
Project from Feburary to June
• Common core: Cryptology and Security
Security Models (6)
Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptology- PKI Infrastructures (6)
Security of Computer: Systems and Networks (6)
System Administration and Network Security
Advanced Security of Systems and Networks
Advanced Cryptology
English or French (3)
• Elective course unit [6 ECTS]
Smart Card Security; Audit and Normalization
New trends in Cryptology
Master thesis [27 ECTS]
French State controlled Master's degree
Financial support
Master website
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