Grenoble INP rubrique Ginsen

Practical information

How to reach Grenoble?

The best way to reach Grenoble is to land at Lyon Saint Exupéry Airport, the closest international airport. Once in Lyon Saint Exupéry Airport, shuttle buses are the easiest, quickest and cheapest way to reach Grenoble.

Trips to downtown Grenoble last approximately one hour.   One-way Ticket prices rank from 7-25 €.    If you land in Paris or another city (Genève, Marseille, etc.), you can take a train to the Grenoble Railway station (Gare de Grenoble). Click here to book your train ticket online (we advise you to book only through this website, as it is the official one).   Grenoble's Bus terminal (gare routière) and Railway station (gare SNCF) are located within a 5-minute walk from each other and are only a 15 min walk or 5 minutes in public transportation from your accomodation.

How many credits ECTS will you earn ?

If you succeed in the Ginsen Summer School, you will earn 5 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) for the Smart Energy program and 4 ECTS for the Nano/Microtechnology program.

What is ECTS?
ECTS is a credit system designed to make it easier for students to move between different countries. Since they are based on the learning achievements and workload of a course, a student can transfer their ECTS credits from one university to another so they are added up to contribute to an individual's degree programme or training. (source : European Commission website)

Learn more about the ECTS system

Where will I stay during my trip to Grenoble ?
Students will most likely be housed in a renovated residence (in single bedrooms) situated in the heart of the scientific presqu'ile, Grenoble's most recent neighborhoods and where most of the city's scientific facilities and equipments are.

The building is located right across the street from the Nanotechnology option facilities and it is only a 5 minute direct tramway ride to the Smart Energy option classrooms.

All appartments have an inbuilt kitchenette.
What's a day at the Ginsen Summer School like?

No days are alike in the Ginsen programme, as you will alternate between classrooms on diverse topics and practicals.
Classes in the morning usually start at 9 am, and end at 12 pm. In the afternoon you will most likely start at 2 pm and finish at 4 or 5 pm. Days in the clean room are more intense and start at 8 am and finish at around 5 pm, with 1h lunch break.

To give you an idea of what the schedule might look like, here are last year's plannings for both options (bear in mind that there will be changes on the times this year).

Nanotechnology option 2022 timetable (French and Culture classes included)

The Micro and Nanotechnology students mostly attend classes at Grenoble INP - Phelma, UGA (Minatec) :
3 Parvis Louis Néel, 38000 Grenoble
Tram stop - Cité Internationale
  Smart Energy option 2022 timetable (French and Culture classes included)

The Smart Energy students mostly attend classes at Grenoble INP - Ense3, UGA (GreEn-Er):
21 Avenue des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble
Tram stop - CEA Cambridge
Where is Grenoble INP - UGA located ?

Grenble INP - UGA has several facilities in and outside of Grenoble. Its main office is located in the heart of the city, on Felix Viallet street.
From the headquarters to the Grenoble INP - Phelma, UGA or GreenEr facilities, Grenoble has different forms of public transportation that will facilitate your accessibility, whether by tram, bus or bicycle. Moreover, most of Grenoble INP - UGA facilities are located nearby and some are close to the city center. Normally, the residence where students will be housed will also be close to the facilities.