Grenoble INP rubrique Ginsen

Project Management

SYLLABUS: Project Management



Instructor : Jean Pierre PAYRE
Course: Project Management


During the courses, students will discover and exchange on the best Project Management practices:·       
  • Introduction with the difference between Projects and Products.
  • Project Cycle to have a view of the progress from the tendering phase to execution and closing.
  • Scope Management to build a WBS (work breakdown structure) to structure the Project in work packages.
  • Role and responsibility of the Project team to satisfy the customer and stakeholders.
  • Scope of work (SOW) to clarify all the interfaces between the work packages and activities. 
  • Time Management to define a planning, the deliverables, the milestones and the tasks with their links, define the critical path and secure the float to be on time without any delay at the end of the Project.
  • Cost Management to build and respect a budget per activities including contingency provisions to secure and improve the project profit during the execution phase.
  • Risk and Opportunity to identify, analyze, prioritize risks and monitor them with action plans to mitigate their impact in terms of costs and delay, to respect the contract and bring out best opportunities.


Courses take the form of lectures with PowerPoint and go along with quiz, applied exercises, videos and moment of shared discussion.