At the heart of innovation
Grenoble INP partner businesses draw on the expertise of 38 specialized engineering sciences laboratories, often shared with major research bodies such as the CNRS (French national scientific research), INRIA (French national institute for research in computer science and control) and the other Grenoble universities. These businesses are marketing tomorrow's products and services on the back of scientific enquiry and technological advances.If you are looking to develop your R&D and need to find specialists in your sector...
Skills to meet your requirements
Cooperation with the laboratory can take various forms, depending on your company and the project - one-off contract work (e.g. testing or consultancy), longer-term research partnerships or support in obtaining a license for patent or software use.
The appropriate working relationship
A financial package can be put together for the joint venture, particularly when it involves small business. Various funds for innovation, such as OSEO/ANVAR (French agency for innovation), regional consultancy support funds and regional council technology transfer support can be applied for. Joint tenders can be put forward by businesses laboratories, for instance in response to calls for tender from the National Research Agency, French Research Ministry, Industry Ministry or the European Union).
Small businesses, IT service providers or corporations- take the opportunity to discuss with research professionals who understand the business world.