Some major research organisations have dedicated teams of experienced specialists on the Grenoble site. In addition, several close and fruitful relationships have been forged between the academic world and various industrial manufacturers such as EDF, GDF-SUEZ and the ARTELIA Group. Finally, it should be noted that Grenoble INP is a founding member of several risk-related research structures and federations (PARN, VOR, INDURA) with considerable involvement on the part of its professors.
Frédéric Dufour, Professor at Grenoble INP - Ense3, Senior Director of Ense3, Senior Director of the 3SR laboratory and holder of the PERENITI chair
- Grenoble, high potential natural and technological risk management
- Dealing with natural and technological risks
- Falling boulders and snow
- An earthquake-prone area, vulnerable structures
- Water, the main risk factor
- Rocks: custodians of radioactive waste
- Coastal risks at the centre of LEGI research
- Several training courses including a MOOC!