Grenoble INP Rubrique Recherche 2022

Innovation and Transfer

Grenoble INP Graduate schools of Engineering and Management, Université Grenoble Alpes, deploys a range of resources to support the transfer of innovative results from public research to the socio-economic world.

The forms of cooperation are diverse: from one-off studies to the creation of companies, including research contracts with shared objectives.

You are:

A researcher from Grenoble INP - UGA, wishing to promote your innovations?

The Grenoble INP - UGA Valorisation Partenariats Entreprises service supports technology transfer projects and company creation projects involving researchers from our laboratories.

E-mail contact

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An industrial company or a scientific director, looking for a Grenoble INP - UGA laboratory or a researcher to boost your R&D activity / research laboratory?

Specify your need and we will put you in touch with a contact person in the field.

E-mail contact

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In search of state-of-the-art experimental facilities?

Some of our technology platforms are accessible to companies for design, research and development.

INPG Entreprise SA, for your research and innovation projects

Created in 1991, INPG Entreprise SA (IESA) is a private company, commercial subsidiary of Grenoble INP-UGA. IESA provides expertise, technical infrastructure and human ressources to manage research and innovation projects. IESA has also a capital investment strategy in start up.

recherche valorisation grenoble INP

See the page of INPG Entreprise SA >

DicoValo: Thesaurus for Research and Innovation

Since 2016, Grenoble INP - UGA has been developing and publishing a dictionary that defines the main key words in innovation and transfer. In this way, Grenoble INP-UGA contributes to developing a common language for  supporting public-private collaborations for innovation.

From A à Z, a glossary of essential terms to guide you through valorization >

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