Grenoble INP Rubrique Recherche 2022

Laboratories of Excellence (LabEx)

The LabEx program is a financing instrument of the French government’s economic stimulus package. LabEx-certified research centers must conduct high-level scientific research and implement policies that integrate research, education, and technology transfer. They must also actively disseminate the results of their research. The LabEx program aims to raise the international profile of the laboratories involved so that they can attract top international talent.

  • CEMAM - Center for Excellence in Multi-functional Architectured Materials
  • LANEF - Laboratory for Nanoscience-Energy of the Future Alliances
  • MINOS - MINATEC Laboratory for Miniaturization in Nanoelectronics
  • OSUG@2020 - Innovative Strategies for Observing and Modelling Natural Systems
  • PERSYVAL-Lab - Pervasive Systems and Algorithms at the Intersection of the Physical and Digital Worlds
  • TEC 21 - Complexity Engineering: Mechanical Engineering and its Interfaces for Society’s 21st-Century Challenges

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