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Linksium, the Grenoble Alpes SATT, was created by the Grenoble ecosystem public research establishments, including Grenoble INP, with a view to pooling resources and skills in order to accelerate technology transfer from their laboratories. These establishments are Linksium's shareholders, alongside the State.

Linksium is structured around 4 poles: maturation, incubation, licensing and project finances and contracts management.
The maturation phase enables the construction of a demonstrator for a technology application that meets an identified market need and the consolidation of the associated intellectual property. The transfer strategy is developed in parallel, giving priority to the company creation pathway, which allows the project to continue to be supported in an incubation phase by associating the appropriate entrepreneurial skills.

Linksium invests and mobilises the expertise of its team to support 50 projects per year. 200 project leaders have already benefited from strategic support services, access to prototyping platforms, industrial connections, training, technology transfer and entrepreneurship coaching. Linksium capitalises on these maturation and incubation experiences and offers a one-stop-shop for all the financial and human resources needed to bring talent to light.

Each project supported by Linksium is provided with funding and the support of a business manager, and involves a researcher, who is the project’s “leader”, and his or her institution through the Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Department.
To be eligible, these projects must be built around results that are available for transfer, i.e., which the institution controls and which have not already given rise to commitments to companies. Linksium integrates new projects on an ongoing basis and is open to applicants who wish to present their project in a confidential manner.

Grenoble INP can help you in this process.
Contact your DRIVE development officers: Isabelle Chéry (04 76 57 47 40) and Wahiba Robert (04 76 57 48 62).

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