Rethinking logistics for industry 4.0

Coordinated by Pierre David, researcher at the G-SCOP* laboratory, the Ladtop project is part of the drive to develop industry 4.0, aiming to reinvent manufacturing production systems by integrating more powerful logistical solutions tailored to businesses’ specific needs.

Internal logistics, i.e. moving raw materials and components around workshops, underwent a technological revolution over the last few years with the arrival of affordable robotic solutions. Cobots, autonomous robots and even small, automated trains provide unique new opportunities. But businesses often struggle to choose tools suited to their needs. “They have trouble knowing what resources to invest in to optimise their internal logistics,” explains Pierre David. The Ladtop project was developed to solve this problem.

Ladtop’s main goal is to provide businesses with methodological tools to determine the best logistics solutions for their respective use cases. G-SCOP’s researchers thus developed a multi-stage approach, based on systems engineering and constrained optimisation, a field of artificial intelligence. This rigorous process starts with a detailed analysis of needs, generates several possible solutions, simulates their effectiveness, then fine-tunes choices based on qualitative and quantitative criteria.

A practically-rooted project

Funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), Ladtop was set up as a “young researcher” project. It resulted in a thesis, defended in 2023 by a graduate from Grenoble INP - Industrial Engineering, UGA. One of the emblematic applications was at Petzl on the Rotherens production site. Faced with a significant increase in production volumes, the business had to redesign its logistics system, which was saturated by the exclusive use of a small, automated train. By applying the method developed via Ladtop, a hybrid solution was implemented: the small train was retained, but autonomous robots were integrated to handle certain flows. This combination reconciled flexibility and effectiveness.

Though the Ladtop project has now come to an end, it paved the way for many prospects. A new thesis, coordinated with Inria and supported by the CDP Idex Boot programme, explores the development of advanced navigation algorithms for logistics robots. This research aims to improve their ability to coexist with humans and adapt to production workshop constraints.

Based on its contributions, Ladtop is positioned as a key initiative to help businesses to fully switch to the industry of the future, combining robotics and a close consideration of human interactions.

*CNRS / UGA / Grenoble INP - UGA

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