Cybersecurity has long played a pivotal role in the Grenoble ecosystem. As a transversal field of research, cybersecurity requires a wide range of technical skills. With more than 60 researchers from various laboratories and teams*, our ecosystem includes not only IT specialists, but also experts in human and social sciences.
Protecting data, privacy and IT systems is a collaborative effort that requires a global approach. In the new AMNECYS network, for example, multidisciplinary teams work together in order to carry out comprehensive research that explores legal, societal and technical issues.
In addition to research, education must also evolve to meet emerging challenges in cybersecurity. Currently, there are more job offers in the field of cybersecurity than there are students. As legislation evolves to expand the responsibilities of companies in terms of data security, the demand for engineers with cybersecurity training will continue to grow.
In response to this evolution, Grenoble INP - Ensimag offers a master's in cybersecurity, which is delivered in partnership with the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA). The ecosystem's many schools also provide various educational opportunities to train students and professionals on this subject. Without a doubt, cybersecurity will provide our future engineers with a growing field of opportunities.
* TIMA, CEA, GiPSA-Lab, G-Scop, Inria, Institut Fourier, LIG, LJK, TIMA, Verimag, Labex Persvyal-LAB, and the SCCyPhy team (Security and Cryptology for Cyber Physical Systems).
Professor at Grenoble INP - Ensimag and a researcher at Verimag