I am Coral Planagumà and I am 21 years old. I am studing Mathematical Engineering in Data Science in the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, in Barcelona and currently, I am doing the Erasmus program in Grenoble for one year.
Why did you decided to leave your country for a student mobility?
I decided to leave my country to live the Erasmus experience as an exchange student and meet people from different countries, learn from a different culture, learning a new language and live a lot of new experiences.
What were your opinions about international mobility before leaving ?
I was very excited to live the experience and meet new people because I love living new experiences.
Why did you choosed France among the others countries ?
I have chosen France because I had the oportunity to learn a new language, I also love the french food and because it’s near my country, Spain. I have chosen Grenoble because of the situation in The Alps and the variety of activities you can do here.
Credits : Coral Planagumà
What were your first impressions when you arrived in France ? Was it in line with your expectations or were you surprised?
I had already been in France so I already knew some things about the country. I loved the amount of activities that were organized for the Erasmus students the firsts weeks.
What helped you to find your place in this new environment? Did you feel integrated? Surrounded? By whom? What do you think is important for successful integration and international mobility in general?I have met very nice people. There is a lot of Spanish people in Grenoble but I try to also meet international people to improve my English and my French.
I think that, for a successful integration it is important to have an open mind and to be open to all the opportunities that will be offered to you.
If you had to give an advice to all those who are hesitating to start an international mobility process or who are not sure what to expect, which one(s) would it be?
I would advice them to do it since it is a very gratefull experience and you learn a lot from it. You learn academicly, but you learn more from the experience and for life.
Thank you Coral for your testimony !