Technological platform
Grenoble INP, Grenoble INP-Pagora and CTP decided to pool their efforts to create a joint facility, run by the Grenoble INP group with the aim of granting it a predominant international place in research, training and innovation for the paper, printing transformation, packaging and biomaterials sectors.
Within the context of an agreement, the parties undertook to accomplish shared objectives and define the conditions for implementation in accordance with the inherent bylaws of each partner. This alliance takes the form of a technological platform called TekLiCell that was set up with support from the Rhône-Alpes Region, via the FEDER funds.
This platform which extends to certain LRP and 3SR laboratory equipment is currently used as a mainstay for the Carnot Institute PolyNat (flexible functional innovative biosourced materials with high added value).
The TekLiCell platform is a place where industrial problems are discussed and tackled. It is a genuine project management and development centre that puts special emphasis on the management of relationships with businesses and firms.
More than 70 research products are currently being developed around 2 areas of the platform:
- Smart paper – Cutting-edge printing
- Biomaterials, bioenergy, bioprocesses.
Grenoble INP is involved in the following competitive clusters or platforms: Axelera (chemistry, ecotechnologies), ViaMéca (smart mechanical systems), Cristalinnov (crystal growth), MAUD (Materials and applications for sustainable use), Fibres (fibrous materials and ecomaterials), Ecotox - Rovaltain (ecotoxicology), ORA (optics and photonics), PARN (Alpin cluster for studies and research relating to the prevention of natural risks) and SCS (secure communicative solutions).