BOUJUT Jean-Francois

Enseignant Chercheur - Grenoble INP
  • Grenoble INP - Génie industriel, UGA
  • S.mart Grenoble-Alpes (anciennement AIP - PRIMECA Dauphiné-Savoie)
46 Avenue Félix Viallet 38031 GRENOBLE Cedex 1
C 209
04 76 57 47 06
Contact e-mail

Teaching Activities: 

  • Creativity (TRIZ, C-K...)
  • Innovation (rapid prototyping, open design )
  • Design Methods
  • Collaborative Design
  • Engineering Project
  • Empirical Studies of Design

Research activities:

Pôle CI - Equipe CCI
Head of the Collaborative Design Group (2011-2024)

Current Projects : 

  • Co-creation of urban productions - new European Bauhaus

LAUDS factory (Green Deal) (2024-2026)

  • Open source hardware design

OPEN! Methods and Tools for Community Based Product Developement (ANR-PRCI) (2015-2019)
OPEN!NEXT - Company-Community Collaboration for Open Source Developement of Product and Services (H2020) (2019-2022)

  • Technologie de Réalité Augmentée Spatialisée pour la co-conception

SPARK Spatial Augmented Reality for Co-Creativity (H2020) (2015-2018)

  • Open Innovation : Co-Innovation Université-Entreprise

OIPEC Open Innovation Platform for University-Enterprise Collaboration: new product, business and human capital development (ERASMUS+) ((2015-2018)

My domain of interest:

Studying design collaboration:
  • Interdisciplinry approaches
  • Observation-based research methodology (protocole analysis)
  • Ethnographic studies of engineering design

Design cooperation:
  • Argumentation and decision making in design, Design rational capture
  • Computer assisted collaboration : annotation-based collaboration, VR and AR technologies for collaboration
Open Design and open source hardware product development:
  • Role of physical prototypes and artifacts in design creativity
  • Open-design and community-based development and manufacturing

Knowledge management:
  • Knowledge transfer, methods for knowldge dynamics, learning in highly technical environments
  • Shared understanding in design teams

Activités / CV

Curriculum Vitae:

  • Annot'Action: an online tool for supporting asynchronous collaboration in design teams
  • SPARK platform: Spatial augmeted reality for co-creation 

Networks :

Publications :

Design Science JOURNAL