CNRS Research Scientist
institut Louis Néel - grenoble
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  • Crystallographic aspects of phase transitions, Defect, Disorder, Physico-chemical properties
  • Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction on powder or single crystals, Synchrotron radiation
  • High-hydrostatic pressure in Diamond anvil cells, Equation of State

Activités / CV

Born in 1972. Master in Material Science at INP-Grenoble in 2000. Post-doc in 2001 at ESRF on the id27 high-pressure beamline. Joined CNRS in 2002, first at LEPMI (UMR 5279 Grenoble) and since 2007 at LMGP to develop high-pressure studies on functional oxydes. From 2007 to 2011 scientific collaborator at Id27 high pressure beamline (ESRF) in charge of optic and spectroscopic aspects (development of an on line Raman setup).
Interested in detailed knowledge of atomic-scale structural change (order parameters, strains) in order to understand the process and mechanism of phase transitions in solids. Mainly interested in ABO3 perovskites and multiferroics and the competitions of different instabilities (tilt, polar displacements, Jahn-Teller) under high-pressure.

Selected publications
Pressure-induced suppression of the diffuse scattering  in the model  relaxor ferroelectric PMN.
  B. Chaabane, J. Kreisel, B. Dkhil, P. Bouvier, Phys. Rev. Letters, 90 (2003) 257601.

Ferroelectricity of perovskite under pressure.
I.A. Kornev, L. Bellaiche, P. Bouvier, P.-E. Janolin, B. Dkhil, J. Kreisel, Phys. Rev. Letters, 95 (2005) 196804/1-4.

High pressure effect on PbTiO3: An investigation by Raman and X-ray scattering up to 63 GPa. P.-E. Janolin, P. Bouvier, J. Kreisel, P. A. Thomas, I. A. Kornev, L. Bellaiche, W. Crichton, M. Hanfland, and B. Dkhil, Phys. Rev. Letters, 101 (2008) 237601/1-4.

Pressure-temperature phase diagram of SrTiO3 up to 53 GPa.
M. Guennou, P. Bouvier, J. Kreisel, D. Machon, Phys. Rev. B, 81 (2010) 054115/1-10.

Multiple high-pressure phase transitions in BiFeO3.
M. Guennou, P. Bouvier, G.S. Chen, B. Dkhil, R. Haumont, G. Garbarino, J. Kreisel, Phys. Rev. B, 84 (2011) 174107/1-10.

Jahn-Teller, polarity and insulator-to-metal transition in BiMnO3 at high pressure.
M. Guennou, P. Bouvier, P. Toulemonde, C. Darie, C. Goujon, P. Bordet, M. Hanfland, J.Kreisel. Phys. Rev. Letters, 112 (2014) 075501/1-5.