M. DEDULLE Jean-Marc
Scientific programming, numerical methods, modeling
Research Fields
Modelling of Chemical Vapor Deposition process, and SiC crystal growth from the vapour phase and from the liquid phase.
Activités / CV
2014 Associated Professor (PRASS) at Grenoble INP - Phelma
1993/2014 Associated Professor (PAST) at Grenoble INP - Phelma
1997/2014 Manager of IRIS Technologies: creation and development of the company in the domain of scientific computing and industrials processes modelling.
1991/1997 Research and Development engineer at DT2i: modelling of heat treatment and induction heating processes for automotive, spatial and nuclear applications.
1990/1991 Research Engineer at Alusuisse-Lonza: modelling of aluminium electrolysis cells, electromagnetic casting process and steering process.
2014 Manager of Professional Development Department of Grenoble INP2009/2013 Director of Industry Partnership of Grenoble INP Phelma
2002/2008 Manage a team of a dozen teachers and industrials in charge of the courses of scientific programming and numerical methods.
2013 Habilitation to conduct research, University of Grenoble - France1990 PhD from Grenoble INP - France
(XTO) Team