Professeur des Universités


  • Marketing

  • Marketing

Activités / CV


  • Doctorat, Sciences de Gestion, Marketing, Universite Grenoble Alpes (1988)
  • Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Sciences de Gestion, Marketing, Universite Grenoble Alpes (1988)
  • Doctorat, Sciences de Gestion, Marketing, Universite Grenoble Alpes (1985)
  • Master of Business Administration, Sciences de Gestion, Marketing, Universite Grenoble Alpes (1979)
  • Diplôme National de Master, Autre, Autre, Universite Grenoble Alpes (1977)
  • Licence, Ingénierie, Autre, Universite Grenoble Alpes (1977)

Informations complémentaires

Article dans des revues à comité de lecture

  • VALETTE-FLORENCE, R. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2020). Effets des émotions et de la personnalité de la marque sur l’engagement du consommateur via les effets médiateurs de la confiance et de l’attachement à la marque. Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 35(1), pp. 87-116.
  • KAPFERER, J.N. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2019). How self-success drives luxury demand: An integrated model of luxury growth and country comparisons. Journal of Business Research, 102, pp. 273-287.
  • KESSOUS, A. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2019). “From Prada to Nada”: Consumers and their luxury products: A contrast between second-hand and first-hand luxury products. Journal of Business Research,.
  • VALETTE-FLORENCE, R. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2019). Effets des émotions et de la personnalité de la marque sur l’engagement du consommateur via les effets médiateurs de la confiance et de l’attachement à la marque. Recherche et Applications en Marketing,.
  • KAPFERER, J.N. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2018). The impact of brand penetration and awareness on luxury brand desirability: A cross country analysis of the relevance of the rarity principle. Journal of Business Research,(83), pp. 38-50.
  • PECOT, F., MERCHANT, A., VALETTE FLORENCE, P. et BARNIER, V. (2018). Cognitive outcomes of brand heritage: A signaling perspective. Journal of Business Research,(85), pp. 304-316.
  • PHAM, M., VALETTE FLORENCE, P. et VIGNERON, F. (2018). Luxury brand desirability and fashion equity: The joint moderating effect on consumers’ commitment toward luxury brands. Psychology and Marketing, 35(12), pp. 902-912.
  • ALBERT, N., AMBROISE, L. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2017). Consumer, brand, celebrity: Which congruency produces effective celebrity endorsements. Journal of Business Research,(81), pp. 96-106.
  • CHANDON, J.L., LAURENT, G. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2017). In search of new planets in the luxury galaxy. Journal of Business Research, 77, pp. 140-146.
  • KESSOUS, A., VALETTE FLORENCE, P. et DE BARNIER, V. (2017). Luxury watch possession and dispossession from father to son: A poisoned gift?. Journal of Business Research, 77, pp. 212-222.
  • CHANDON, J.L., LAURENT, G. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2016). Pursuing the concept of luxury: Introduction to the JBR Special Issue on “Luxury Marketing from Tradition to Innovation. Journal of Business Research, 69(1), pp. 299-303.
  • MOURAD, S. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2016). Improving prediction with POS and PLS consistent estimations: An illustration. Journal of Business Research, 69(10), pp. 4675-4684.
  • PARGUEL, B., DELECOLLE, T. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2016). How price display influences consumer luxury perceptions. Journal of Business Research, 69(1), pp. 341-348.
  • BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA, T., FERRAND, A., VALETTE FLORENCE, P. et CHANAVAT, N. (2015)Measurement and segmentation of sport fans using brand association networks: Application to Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) Champions League (UCL). Sport Management Review, pp. 407-420.
  • DIALLO, M., DIOP-SALL , F., LEROUX, E. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2015). Tourists’ responsible behavior: The role of social engagement. Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition), 30(3), pp. 88-108.
  • KESSOUS, A., DE BARNIER, V. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2015). A la recherche du temps perdu”: la transmission d’objets de luxe de père en fils, entre cadeau et fardeau. Décisions Marketing, 80(4), pp. 17-35.
  • VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2015). Le Luxe ou la quête du Saint Graal. Décisions Marketing, 80(4), pp. 9-17.
  • AMBROISE, L., PANTIN-SOHIER, G., VALETTE FLORENCE, P. et ALBERT, N. (2014). From endorsement to celebrity co-branding: Personality transfer. Journal of Brand Management, 21(3), pp. 273-285.
  • BECHEUR, I. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2014). L’usage des émotions négatives en communication de sante publique : Étude des effets de la peur, la culpabilité et la honte. Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 29(4), pp. 96-119.
  • FAROOQ, O., MERUNKA, D. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2014). The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Organizational Commitment: Exploring Multiple Mediation Mechanisms. Journal of Business Ethics, 125(4), pp. 563-580.
  • MATHEWS-LEFEBVRE , C. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2014). Manufacturer brand value and the respective role of brand sensitivity, situational involvement and enduring involvement. Journal of Brand Management, 21(3), pp. 236-253.
  • DE BARNIER, V., FINE-FALCY, S. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2012). Do consumers perceive three levels of luxury? A comparison of accessible, intermediate and inaccessible luxury brands. Journal of Brand Management, 19(7), pp. 623-636.
  • VALETTE FLORENCE, P., USUNIER, J. et FINE-FALCY, S. (1995)Comparaison des systèmes de valeurs et des styles de temps : une étude exploratoire. Economies et sociétés, série Sciences de Gestion, pp. 87-115.

Communication dans une conférence avec actes

  • BATAOUI, S., GERARD, J. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2020). 'Can A Nudge Induce Inferences of Manipulative Intent?'. En distanciel: AMS Annual Conference, Etats-Unis d'Amérique.
  • COUDER, J. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2020). 'T erroir, My Beautiful Terroir, Is My Wine the Best One”? An Exploratory Investigation of Terroir Impacts on French Wine Consumers.'. San Francisco: American Marketing Association , Etats-Unis d'Amérique.
  • COUDER, J. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2020). 'Terroir, My Beautiful Terroir, Why Do I Love Your Wine so Much?” A Quantitative Study Assessing Terroir’s Ability to Increase Brand Relationship Quality.'. San Francisco: American Marketing Association , Etats-Unis d'Amérique.
  • AHMED, F. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2019). 'I Don’t Want To Be Fake! How Psychological Distance and Self-Perceptions can lead to Authentic Luxury Consumption?'. Singapour: The LVMH-SMU Luxury Research Conference, Singapour.
  • AHMED, F. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2019). 'Psychological Distancing with Hedonic Products and their Consumption'. Vancouver: AMS Annual Conference, Canada.
  • BAYARASSOU, O., BÉCHEUR , I. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2019). 'I hate this brand! A classification of brand haters based on their motivations and reactions'. Vabcouver: AMS Annual Conference, Canada.
  • BAYARASSOU, O., BÉCHEUR, I. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2019). 'Brand Hate: Impact of the Fallacious Brand Character and the Moderating Role of the Consumer’s Narcissistic Trait'. 6th, Cancun: International Consumer Brand Relationships Conference, Mexique.
  • COUDER, J. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2019). 'Le terroir et ses dimensions : une étude exploratoire de l’impact des différentes dimensions du terroir sur le comportement des consommateurs de vin'. 35ème, Le Havre: Congrès de l'Association Française du Marketing (AFM), France.
  • COUDER, J. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2019). 'Terroir and its Evocation: What a Wine Terroir of Origin Evokes? An Exploratory Qualitative Study of the Meanings of Wine Consumption'. Vancouver: AMS Annual Conference, Canada.
  • HEMONNET-GOUJOT , A., MANCEAU, D. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2019). 'La marque et le design comme vecteurs d’innovation : le rôle du capital innovation de la marque'. 35ème, Le Havre: Congrès de l'Association Française du Marketing (AFM), France.
  • AHMED, F. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2018). 'Should I Consume It? Dis-identifying the Self from Alcoholic Brands for Youth Drinking Behaviors'. 4ème, Mons: Journée de Recherche en Marketing, Belgique.
  • AHMED, F. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2018). 'The Impact of Psychological Distance for Hedonic Luxury Pursuits'. 6th, Cancun: International Consumer Brand Relationships Conference, Mexique.
  • COUDER, J. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2018). 'Wine and its evocation: what wine evoke? An exploratory qualitative study of the sense of wine consumption'. Ithaca: Annual AAWE Conference, Etats-Unis d'Amérique.
  • HEMONNET-GOUJOT , A. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2018). 'Enhancing luxury brand value through design'. 21st, Porto: Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Portugal.
  • HEMONNET-GOUJOT , A., MANCEAU, D. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2018). 'Investigating The Interplay Between Brands and External Design on Product Innovativeness: The Role of Brand Innovation Capital'. 47th, Glasgow: European Marketing Association Conference , Royaume Uni.
  • KESSOUS, A. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2018). '“From Prada to Nada”: Conspicuous luxury consumption and brand attachment: A contrast of genuine luxury brands and second-hand luxury brands'. Monaco: Monaco Symposium on Luxury, Monaco.
  • PECOT, F., MERCHANT, A., VALETTE FLORENCE, P. et DE BARNIER, V. (2018). '“Since When?” Brand Heritage’s Signaling Effects'. 21st, Porto: AMS Annual Conference, Portugal.
  • TESIO, P., KESSOUS, A., VALETTE FLORENCE, P. et DE BARNIER , V. (2018). 'From nostalgic consumption to consumer resistance: the vintage shopping experience as an expression of social identity'. 47th, Glasgow: European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Royaume Uni.
  • VALETTE FLORENCE, P. et HEMONNET-GOUJOT , A. (2018). 'The influence of design on luxury brand love'. Tokyo: Global Marketing Conference , Japon.
  • YOUNESS, C. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2018). 'Customer based online reputation: A causal model'. Tokyo: Global Marketing Conference , Japon.
  • YOUNESS, C. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2018). 'The Effects of Customer-Based Online Reputation on WOM and WPP: The Mediating Role of BRQ'. 21st, Porto: Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Portugal.
  • YOUNESS, C. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2018). 'The Mediating Role of the Affect and Cognition in the Influence of Celebrities on Brand Relationship Management'. New Orleans: AMS Annual Conference, Etats-Unis d'Amérique.
  • BAYARASSOU, O. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2017). 'La haine envers la marque: étude exploratoire grâce au protocole du mur d'images en ligne'. 33ème, Tours: Congrès de l'Association Française du Marketing (AFM), France.
  • CODERRE, F., SIRIEIX, L. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2017). 'Consumer-based Label Equity: a Multidimensional Scale'. 12th, Kalmar: Global Brand Conference, Suède.
  • PECOT, F., VALETTE FLORENCE, P. et DE BARNIER , V. (2017). 'Brand Heritage: a multidimensional measurement scale to assess consumers' perception'. 46th, Gröningen: European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Allemagne.
  • YOUNESS, C. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2017). 'A Causal Model of Online Reputation: A Customer Perspective'. 12th, Kalmar: Global Brand Conference, Suède.
  • YOUNESS, C. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2017). 'Consumers Online: Introducing the Online Reputation as a New Segmentation Criterion'. San Francisco: American Marketing Association , Etats-Unis d'Amérique.
  • YOUNESS, C. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2017). 'Customer-Based Online Reputation : One Key Antecedent and Some Consequences'. San Diego: AMS Annual Conference, Etats-Unis d'Amérique.
  • DIALLO, M., DIOP-SALL , F., LEROUX, E. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2016). 'Tourist responsible behavior : the role of social engagement'. Paris: AMS World Marketing Congress, France.
  • KASWENGI, J., DIALLO, M., AKROUT, H. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2016). 'Effects of marketing variables and consumer characteristics on masstige brand choice under turbulence: Evidence from panel data'. Monaco: Monaco Symposium on Luxury, Monaco.
  • KESSOUS, A., VALETTE FLORENCE, P. et DE BARNIER , V. (2016). '), Luxury watch possession and dispossession from father to son: A poisoned gift?'. Monaco: Monaco Symposium on Luxury, Monaco.
  • YOUNESS, C. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2016). 'A Customer Perspective of Online Reputation: Some Antecedents and Consequences?'. Florida: AMS Annual Conference, Etats-Unis d'Amérique.
  • YOUNESS, C. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2016). 'An Integrated Model of Online Reputation: A Customer Perspective'. Oslo: European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Norvège.
  • YOUNESS, C. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2016). 'L’e-réputation du point de vue client: Proposition d’un model explicatif ?'. 32ème, Lyon: Congrès de l'Association Française du Marketing (AFM), France.
  • YOUNESS, C. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2016). 'Online Reputation Scale Development'. Paris: AMS World Marketing Congress, France.
  • YOUNESS, C. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2015). 'Customer-Based Online Reputation: a Preliminary Approach?'. San Antonio: Society for Marketing Advances , Etats-Unis d'Amérique.
  • KESSOUS, A., MAGNONI, F. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2014). 'Brand nostalgia and consumers’relationship to luxury brands: a continuous and categorical moderated mediation approach'. 8th, Paris: International Conference on Partial Least Squares and Related Methods, France.
  • VALETTE-FLORENCE, R., GIANNELLONI, J.L., VALETTE FLORENCE, P. et FROCHOT, I. (2011). 'Interdependency between brand personality and emotions: an exploratory study on French ski resorts'. Archamps: Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA), France.
  • DE BARNIER, V., FINE-FALCY, S. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (2008). 'Comment mesurer les perceptions du luxe ? Une comparaison entre les échelles de Kapferer (1998), de Vigneron et Johnson (1999) et de Dubois et al'. 7th, Venise: International Marketing Trends Conference (IMTC), Italie.
  • FERRANDI, J., FINE-FALCY, S. et VALETTE FLORENCE, P. (1999). 'L'échelle de personnalité des marques de Aaker appliqué au contexte français : un premier test'. Strasbourg: Congrès de l'Association Française du Marketing (AFM), France.
  • VALETTE FLORENCE, P. et CARSANA, L. (1996). 'L’utilisation des indices d’ajustement dans les modèles d’équations structurelles : Présentation et Recommandations d’usage'. 13ème, Toulouse: Journées nationales des IAE, France.
  • FINE-FALCY, S., VALETTE FLORENCE, P. et KREZIAK, D. (1995). 'Emotions Formation in Advertising: Preliminary Results'. International Research Seminar in Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior.