Postdoctoral researcher
04 76 82 65 44
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Educational Background
2018 - PhD in Organic Chemistry, University of Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble
2015 - Master in Chemistry and Life Sciences (Organic Synthesis for Pharmaceutical and Agrochemical
Industries), Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble

Li-ion batteries - polymers - peptide synthesis - organic synthesis - recycling - prebiotic chemistry - origin of life

Extracurricular Activities
Qualifié aux fonctions de maître de conférences (section 32 - Chimie organique, minérale, industrielle)
Member of European peptide society
Member in Chemistry, Biology and Health Graduate School programme in UGA
Elu au conseil du Collège Doctoral de la ComUE, 2018-19
Organizer of SECO 55, Lacanau, 2018
Jury member in DLSTalks, UGA, May 2018
Le représentant des doctorants au conseil du laboratoire DCM, 2017-18
Member of Société Chimique de France, since 2016
Volunteer Peer Reviewer


Activités / CV

email: ibrahim.shalayel@grenoble-inp.fr