The goal of the ECOMARCH project is to bring together in a single location, research, training and optimisation spaces dedicated to the eco-design of materials in order to create a European benchmark cluster on this key materials science challenge of the 21st century. The project is based on the creation of a Centre for Eco-design of Architectured Materials. Architectured materials were selected as a priority focus due to their significant eco-efficiency potential and the fact that the Grenoble site has gained international recognition in this field. This international standing has been reinforced by the selection of the Grenoble INP Centre of Excellence of Multifunctional Architectured Materials (CEMAM) within the framework of the Investments for the Future (Investissements d’Avenir). The centre will form part of the spaces dedicated to research, technology transfer and training.
Innovative development platforms
These platforms will be incorporated into various architectured materials development processes. Some examples are processes in which the material changes to a liquid phase, powder metallurgy processes and solid state processes (e.g.: thermomechanical treatments), in addition to surface architecturation processes via equipment allowing controlled depositions on substrates. These platforms will help to rationalise resources that are currently spread over various sites and to set up new equipment. They will also rely on the structural characterisation spaces and the performance characterisation spaces available in the laboratories on the site, in particular LEPMI and SIMAP as well as within the CMTC. The EcoMarch centre will also include a digital modelling platform.
Spaces dedicated to technology transfer
These halls will be designed to promote the transfer of technology from the development platforms to industry. They will be able to host start-ups from the laboratories as well as propose spaces to companies in the incubation stage seeking to take advantage of cutting edge research/innovation environment.
Teaching / research spaces
A project centre for Grenoble INP – Phelma students (physics, electronics, materials) will be created to set up long term projects in permanent partnership with the industry. These projects, among other things, will be aimed at strengthening the teaching/research/valorisation synergies. The spaces will be directly linked to the TP "Materials" platforms present on the site that are currently being used by Grenoble INP – Phelma students as well as UJF - Polytech'Grenoble students.
The EcoMarch project will require the renovation of several buildings and will contribute to the emergence of a "District" on the Saint Martin D'Heres campus centred on themes such as Processes in the Materials (including bio-sourced materials) – Chemistry – Mechanical Engineering sectors. It will help to build a compact innovation and research cluster that is able to hold its own both on a European and international level in the fields of new eco-efficient materials and processes.
Innovative development platforms
These platforms will be incorporated into various architectured materials development processes. Some examples are processes in which the material changes to a liquid phase, powder metallurgy processes and solid state processes (e.g.: thermomechanical treatments), in addition to surface architecturation processes via equipment allowing controlled depositions on substrates. These platforms will help to rationalise resources that are currently spread over various sites and to set up new equipment. They will also rely on the structural characterisation spaces and the performance characterisation spaces available in the laboratories on the site, in particular LEPMI and SIMAP as well as within the CMTC. The EcoMarch centre will also include a digital modelling platform.
These halls will be designed to promote the transfer of technology from the development platforms to industry. They will be able to host start-ups from the laboratories as well as propose spaces to companies in the incubation stage seeking to take advantage of cutting edge research/innovation environment.
Teaching / research spaces
A project centre for Grenoble INP – Phelma students (physics, electronics, materials) will be created to set up long term projects in permanent partnership with the industry. These projects, among other things, will be aimed at strengthening the teaching/research/valorisation synergies. The spaces will be directly linked to the TP "Materials" platforms present on the site that are currently being used by Grenoble INP – Phelma students as well as UJF - Polytech'Grenoble students.
The EcoMarch project will require the renovation of several buildings and will contribute to the emergence of a "District" on the Saint Martin D'Heres campus centred on themes such as Processes in the Materials (including bio-sourced materials) – Chemistry – Mechanical Engineering sectors. It will help to build a compact innovation and research cluster that is able to hold its own both on a European and international level in the fields of new eco-efficient materials and processes.
- Architectured materials: paving the way for eco-design?
- Grenoble INP, recognised expertise in materials
- Enhanced environmentally-friendly processes
- Tomography: a journey to the heart of the matter
- Additive manufacturing revolutionises materials
- Bio-sourced materials are the way to the future
- The EcoMarch project
- From laboratories to start-ups
Grenoble IN'Press
- Vice-présidente Recherche et du Conseil Scientifique
Lorena Anghel - Vice-présidente Innovation et Relations entreprises
Gaëlle Calvary - Directeur de la DRIVE
Cédric Di Tofano Orlando
Tél. 04 76 57 43 16 - Annuaire