M. DESEURE Jonathan

Jonathan DESEURE Maître de conférences (Assistant professeur : UGA) Univ. Grenoble Alpes, LEPMI, F-38000 Grenoble, France CNRS, LEPMI, F-38000 Grenoble, France
+33 (0) 456 520 212
Site perso

Activités / CV

2016 : Habilitation à Diriger les recherches, HDR ;: “modelling of electrochemical devices”
2007 -  Assistant professor ( UGA)
2006-07 non-permanent position “Instructors”, (“ATER”: UJf)
2005-06 non-permanent position “Instructors”, (“ATER”: G-INP)
2003-04 post-doctoral position (CNRS): “Modelling of heat, mass and charge transfer in a PEMFC”, (LEMTA) -Université de Nancy
2000-03 Ph.D, “Electrochimical modelling SOFC cathode”  Grenoble INP

Research field: (heat and mass transfer)

Hydrogen production : water electrolysis and biohydrogen

Electrohemical engineering (Water Electrolysis: AWE, PEMWE, SOE, MES)
Electrochemical characterization of solid/gas/liquid interfaces using mathematical descriptions
Multi-physic and multi-scale simulations of electrochemical device
Heat transfer in secondary battery
Indutsrial tranfert :

Hydrogen purification
Hydrogen from wastewater


Main industrial collaborations:

- Ergosup, Atawey

- Engie, Air Liquide

Main Academic collaborations:

- LE2P, Université La Réunion  (A . Kadjo,  B. Grondin–Perez)
- Department of Chemical Engineering UCL (D. Brett)
-Hysa infrastructure North-West University, (Dmitri Bessarabov)
-LCG Université Paul Sabatier (T. Tzedakis)
-LRGP  Université de Loraine (Francois Lapicque)
-LPCNO INSA Toulouse (B. Chaudret,, J. Carrey)

Scientific production : orcid.org/0000-0002-2055-7653 & www.researchgate.net/profile/Jonathan_Deseure 

3 Patents

1 software
2 book chapters
38 Papers in peer-reviewed journals
32 proceedings

41 communications in international meetings  (23 oral communications)
10 communications in national or industrial meetings

11 industrial reports